YUNINGさんが2019/03/11 13:14:08にレビューしました
⭕️位置很好,從札幌或者新千歲機場坐温泉高速大巴,在登別温泉中心/第一瀧本家站下都可以 ⭕️因為登別温泉鎮?這邊很小,所以酒店到登別的景點都很方便,不想走也有公車 ⭕️welcome drink的抹茶搭配羊羹很好吃,lobby的風景也很好。庭院冬日不開放,有個很小的鳥居 ⭕️負責早晚餐的女將是小樽出身,很熱情,還幫我們整理浴衣 ⭕️如果是隆冬山上的雪景會很好看,個室的温泉池(客廳和餐廳也可以)可以看到山和庭院,頂層的温泉(設計類似無邊泳池)可以看到山景,底層的温泉是庭院景色,晚間因為有燈也非常好看 ⭕️早餐很豐盛 晚餐中有一道馬鈴薯餅(翻譯:土豆泥)説是繼承百年傳統的一道菜。味道還行吧orz ❌晚餐主菜是西式料理做法......

YUNINGさんが2019/03/11 12:14:08にレビューしました
⭕️位置很好,從札幌或者新千歲機場坐溫泉高速大巴,在登別溫泉中心/第一瀧本家站下都可以 ⭕️因為登別溫泉鎮?這邊很小,所以酒店到登別的景點都很方便,不想走也有公車 ⭕️welcome drink的抹茶搭配羊羹很好吃,lobby的風景也很好。庭院冬日不開放,有個很小的鳥居 ⭕️負責早晚餐的女將是小樽出身,很熱情,還幫我們整理浴衣 ⭕️如果是隆冬山上的雪景會很好看,個室的溫泉池(客廳和餐廳也可以)可以看到山和庭院,頂層的溫泉(設計類似無邊泳池)可以看到山景,底層的溫泉是庭院景色,晚間因為有燈也非常好看 ⭕️早餐很豐盛 晚餐中有一道馬鈴薯餅(翻譯:土豆泥)說是繼承百年傳統的一道菜。味道還行吧orz ❌晚餐主菜是西式料理做法......

Takinoya always delivers beyond your expectation, however....

Beeecky_Lさんが2019/03/09 00:00:00にレビューしました
This was the second stay in this ryokan. This place was a little heaven to us because of its peacefulness. When we arrived, there was a person who came to greet us. Also, the reception staff spoke really good English and I was glad they provided so much more information to us this time. Slight problem was as we arrived there was another group of Mainland Chinese family with two kids who kept running around and screaming, our little peace paradise eroded right away! Although this time round we couldn't book the private dining room, we were not disappointed with our AY room (310) which was western style room. Our room was big and comfortable. However, we booked a non smoking room but I was sure someone else was smoking next door because everyday when we came back from our onsen, we could smell cigarettes as we entered our room! However, our meals at Takinoya were always the biggest highlight in our trip. I always looked forward to breakfast and dinner at Takinoya! Instead of having our breakfast and dinner in our room, we had a private room on the ground floor. This was actually much better in terms of experience because the view was beautiful! Every meal was a pleasant surprise, every course was explained by our host Rika san (although in Japanese which I could understand to an extent). Even though there were little hiccups here and there, but I loved the staff I met in Takinoya, their greetings were always sincere and warm, it made me feel right at home. I would always come back to this peaceful ryokan.

YUZHENさんが2019/03/08 00:36:32にレビューしました
完美 訂不到和式 和洋式也很贊 進酒店門脫鞋裡麪都是木質 房間寬敞漂亮 餐食精緻美味 服務細緻入微 室外風呂也很棒強烈推薦

YUZHENさんが2019/03/07 15:36:32にレビューしました
完美 訂不到和式 和洋式也很贊 進酒店門脫鞋裡面都是木質 房間寬敞漂亮 餐食精緻美味 服務細緻入微 室外風呂也很棒強烈推薦

ゲストさんが2019/03/07 10:45:25にレビューしました
服務確實不錯 餐點品種挺多的 就體現一下 但是味道上也就那樣啦

YUZHENさんが2019/03/07 09:00:00にレビューしました
完美 訂不到和式 和洋式也很贊 進酒店門脱鞋裏面都是木質 房間寬敞漂亮 餐食精緻美味 服務細緻入微 室外風呂也很棒強烈推薦

谢さんが2019/03/06 16:42:22にレビューしました
北海道之行住過最舒服的酒店沒有之一。全場有管家一對一服務。晚飯很好吃。房間內有私湯。除了貴 其他都很完美哈哈

谢*さんが2019/03/06 09:00:00にレビューしました
北海道之行住過最舒服的酒店沒有之一。全場有管家一對一服務。晚飯很好吃。房間內有私湯。除了貴 其他都很完美哈哈

A relaxing hotel closing to Death of Valley

catinas2017さんが2019/03/03 00:00:00にレビューしました
It is a walking distant to the famous Death of Valley. It is a classy hotel with set meal that you have to order in advance. The staff from the front desk to the restaurant are very friendly. The room are spacious. The dinner meal is traditional Japanese food. It is very memorable that they sell straw slippers that are rare to be found.

卢さんが2019/03/02 23:28:43にレビューしました

ゲストさんが2019/03/02 14:08:16にレビューしました
100周年を迎える日本の温泉ホテルtop1 3世代にわたるビジネスの後、各部屋には戸外温泉のあるバトラーハウスと、平らな着物にアイロンをかけたほぼ100の和室スイートが備わっています。浴衣セットとバトラーの横にある絶妙なミシュラン懐石料理は非常に良いですし、別のチャンスがあることを願っています。