
怪貓さんが2014/11/17 00:00:00にレビューしました
河鹿莊是傳統的溫泉飯店,優點是他離車站不遠,一下子就到了真是太好了。我們訂的是五人房。塌塌米的味道很令人上癮⋯因為客廳兼餐廳兼睡房,所以感覺好寬廣! 推薦原因: 1. 離車站近,步行走過老街就到了!!堪稱溫泉住宿區第一家嘛~方便呆了!! 2.房內用餐超爽快! 認識我們家老爺的人都知道,他的飯量是有名的嚇人。這家讓他吃到撐、撐到豎起大拇指!沒騙你。不管是晚餐早餐份量都超夠!!美味不必說非常的讚(我們也很挑嘴的人)。 3.管家制度還不賴。除非你真的很討厭。(我家老爺是不愛家裡有客人的那種個性,所以這家讓他滿意真的很高標了) 4.有大眾湯可泡。(雖然沒有太多view) 5. 客人不算多。(當然還是看季節,但我們也算旺季~)

Excelente Ryokan!

Danilo Gさんが2014/11/14 00:00:00にレビューしました
Tudo Maravilhoso! O Cuidado com o atendimento desde a nossa chegada até a nossa partida foi perfeito. O Hotel é do estilo Ryokan, dessa forma você faz uma viagem ao antigo Japão e realmente se sente naquela época!

A hotel that we can go again!

Chingさんが2014/11/10 09:00:00にレビューしました
The hotel's environment is quiet. It's not far away when walk up to the railway station. The food is good too. The service also good. The food. The service. The room with hot spring all of them are very nice.


タヒチアンブルーさんが2014/10/31 00:00:00にレビューしました


Meiさんが2014/10/04 09:00:00にレビューしました


taniyannさんが2014/09/24 00:00:00にレビューしました
川側の和室でしたが、風・川音がとても心地よかったです。 食事は朝夕共部屋で、美味しくいただきました。 お部屋の茶菓子は、どこの旅館でもあると思うのですが、それとは別に少しづついろんな佃煮が用意されていて、とても良かったです。 商店街も歩いて行ける場所で、お土産を買うのに便利なところでした。 大浴場は、6階と2階にあり、朝と夜で男女入れ替わりです。6階(夜)にはアメニティーグッズがそろっているのですが、2階(朝)には6階ほどそろっていませんでした。下足箱に自分のスリッパを目印をつけて置いていても、間違って入れいかれたのには、困りました。

Amazing Stay

FFGuyさんが2014/09/10 00:00:00にレビューしました
This hotel is conveniently located near the train station as well as the town. An excellent soba restaurant is close by. But the real amazement comes from the hotel's Kaiseki Meal in-room as well as the private onsen on your balcony. If I had the $$$ again, I'd do this again in a heartbeat!


letslets5さんが2014/09/10 00:00:00にレビューしました

Affordable yet great value luxury

doctravさんが2014/06/26 00:00:00にレビューしました
Just started my visit in Kajikaso this afternoon and totally love the space and renovations - huge yet beautifully furnished rooms with fusion of tradition and modern comfort ! Got the room with private open onsen and western beds with additional family areas ! The in room kesaki dinner is fantastic with tuna belly and great seafood sashimi, wagyu steak , lovely soups with summer features , and I lost count ... The Japanese style rock garden next to the family room and onsen area is beautiful ! A memorable stay in summary - worth spending that kind of money !

A pleasurable stay

DavidMMc56さんが2014/06/14 00:00:00にレビューしました
Looking to partake of the ryokan style accommodation my wife and I found ourselves here after a day sightseeing in the Hakone region. The instructions we had to locate this were not very clear but after some advice from helpful locals we found it tucked away in a small side street. Checking in we were escorted to our Japanese style room and the duty manager explained the procedure for dinner etc to us and also advised of the location of the in house onsens. He also found slightly larger robes and slippers for our use. After availing ourselves of that relaxing experience we returned to our room and found the table set for dinner and were shortly after served a very good dinner with the make up of each course explained to us by the traditionally dressed staff member. Following dinner we wandered downstairs for a short while and upon our return the table had been replaced with traditional futons on the tatami mats for sleeping. Next morning as we again enjoyed a long hot soak our room was transformed and made ready for the full course traditional Japanese breakfast. Overall a very enjoyable and relaxing stay. Staff were helpful, courteous and professional. The hotel was clean and neat and comfortable.

Nice environment and can refresh in terms of spirt

Chakさんが2014/06/11 09:00:00にレビューしました
close to train station, nice environment and good service and food


atacante09さんが2014/06/04 00:00:00にレビューしました
今回の旅行は家族5人で親の還暦祝いで行きました。 温泉は広くて清潔感があり、種類も豊富で気持ちよく入れました。 食事は個室の食事処でいただき、お米が美味しく夕・朝食ともに大変満足しました。 スタッフの対応や立地も良く、また行きたいお宿です。